Thursday 2 July 2015

What are the optimal biomechanical principles when performing a netball goal shot?
Katie Archer & Mel Moldenhauer
Major Question

Biomechanics is the study of forces and the effects they have on living systems. It is effected by internal and external forces. Analysing such a thing and being familiar with the biomechanics of select movements can allow one to execute a certain technique with precision. This also allows for further analysis of whether there is technical error in the execution of the skill, how much the design of the equipment effects execution and reduces risk of injury. Netball is a very popular sport within Australia. As it is an invasion game and the main aspect of it is to get the ball in offensive possession to then successfully score a goal. The importance of executing a goal shot biomechanically correct is crucial to accurately getting a goal. Biomechanics aspects also feature as a key role in playing a successful game of netball. Within this blog we will be discussing the biomechanical requirements of a netball goal shot and further analysing the phases of it i.e. Preparation phase, execution phase and the follow through.

The Answer


Balance and stability

Blazevich (2010) states ‘the point around which all the particles of the body are evenly distributed, and therefore the point at which we could place a single weight vector is the body’s centre of gravity.’ All humans have a centre of gravity which can change depending on the stance or movement of an individual, as shown in figure 1.

                                                                  Fig 1.  Centre of gravity (William, C, 2010).

In a netball goal shot, gaining balance is the first part of the shooting sequence in order to successfully perform the skill. If a shooter is off balance in the preparation phase the remainder of the skill execution will likely be unsuccessful. Efficient netballers will often have the ability to land in a position that allows them to recover and regain balance easily (Hede, Russell & Weatherby, 2011). Blazevich (2010) suggests that as the size of the shooters base increases so does the level of stability. Therefore having a strong and stable structure when goal shooting will provide balance and stability which will increase an individual’s chances of accurately executing a shot. Throughout the goal shot there is minimal trunk movement. If the trunk moves during the shooting action a players stability and body balance will be affected. Therefore a goal shooter is required to perform the action with minimal movement of the trunk to effectively execute the shot (Steele, 1993).  In addition to a stable base of support and minimal movement of the trunk, leaning backwards with the head positioned upright in the midline of the body will also help balance a shooting stance (Steele, 1993).
Distance from goal
Another aspect to consider when shooting in netball is the distance between the player and the netball ring. This distance can have a significant impact on the accuracy of the shot. Experienced shooters know their range and how far they can shoot confidently (Woodlands, 2006). However many netball shooters are unaware of their shooting capabilities at a range of distances (Steele, 1993). The further away a player is from the ring the more likely they are to execute the shot unsuccessfully. When the shooting distance is increased netballers are required to change the mechanics of the shooting action, which may lose accuracy in the shot (Knusdon, 2007). As the netballer is further away from the ring they need to demonstrate greater flexion of the knees and shooting elbow to produce more force and increase the angle of release and the height of the projectile. There is also more time for external factors to act upon and influence the flight of the netball. However, if a netballer can master shooting from various distances it will make them a more versatile player. Elliott and smith (1983; Steele 1993) studied the optimum distance for an accurate goal shot. They discovered that the optimum distance for a goal scoring from the post was between 0.9m to 1.5m (3 and 5 feet). For a player to have an increased likelihood of scoring they should position themselves between 0.9m and 1.5m from the ring. This can be viewed in fig.
                                                      Fig. 2 Optimal distance between shooter and goal post.
Newton’s law of inertia Force can be defined as being “The product of mass and acceleration; induces a change in the mobile state of an object” (Blazevich, 2010). The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object (Blazevich, 2010). Thus a change in the motion of an object requires the application of a force. Forces are either internal or external. An internal force is within an object or system that’s motion is being investigated such as bones or muscles. An external force acts on an object as a result of its contact with the environment such as friction, gravity, or contact with another object. The major force that affects when shooting for goals in netball is the force that is put on the balls as it travels towards the goal ring. Before the player shoots they must be in a state of static balance holding the netball, a force must be exerted so the inertia of the ball is changed to rest. Newton’s second law of inertia is “The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.” (Arbab, 2010). Therefore the greater the mass of the object, which is a netball in this case, the greater the force needed. The force needed when shooting is also dependent on how far the ball needs to travel. The netball shot uses forces of propulsion through the legs, trunk, shoulders, arms and wrists, as you can see in Figure 2.2. At the beginning of the shot, it is required to flex the knees to create an adequate force that will then continue the force through to the extension phase in the shooting action which is when the ball is propelled towards the goal ring (Steele, 1993). Technique correct shooters will extend the knees and shooting elbow and flexed hand at wrist all in the same motion. This simultaneous motion is used so that a high accuracy is attained not focusing on the velocity of the shot. (Steele, 1993).
                                     Figure 3. Velocity and time relationship in a netball goal shot (Hede et al., 2011)
Push like movement or throw-like movement?
The push-like movement is when the joints move at the same time, while the throw-like movement is when one movement is completed to form another movement to help transfer the weight (Blazevich, 2010).  In the netball goal shot he the push-like movement is required for optimal performance. It provides prime opportunity to score as the kinetic chain forms a straight line which follows each sequence movement. A push-like movement is also a key component when controlling the direction of the force.
Kinetic chain/summation of forces
The kinetic chain is a movement where all joints extend in conjunction with each other (Blazevich, 2010). For optimal accuracy and outcomes when shooting in netball, the push like movement allows the kinetic chain of the body to form a straight line movement towards the goal post. Executed best when there is a stable base of support, knees are slightly bent to form momentum, an upwards motion created by the knees to project forward while pushing down through the toes, extending shooting arm upwards and finally by pushing the ball in an upwards motion. The summation of forces is the force the kinetic energy that is used through the legs, trunks, shoulders, hand and wrist. This allows for the highest accuracy and highest levels of force production to be achieved (Blazevich, 2010). Force is applied through the legs, trunk, shoulders, arms and wrists through the three phases of delivery, sequentially from the trunk, upper arm, forearm and finally the hand. The summation of forces can be viewed in fig. 3
                                                                               Fig 4. Summation of forces
Trajectory motion: height, speed & angle of release
Projectile motion refers to the motion of an object projected at an angle into the air (Blazevich, 2007). When attempting to go for goals in netball the angle of release is an important aspect. Optimal angle of release includes two main aspects which are forward and upward flight that are the results of optimal trajectory. The optimal angle for elbow flexed is between 90 to 104 degrees (Steele, 1993). To increase accuracy when shooting for goals, players must create a greater flexion of the knees and bend elbows, a semi hyperextension of the hand so the ball can be held stable, minimization of the trunk, arm and forearm movements through the shooting action to increase hand motion, greater release height and greater release velocity. The angle of the release changes depending on the space the defender blocks with their hands, a higher release of the ball would be necessary and more beneficial, while shortening the pathway the ball is to travel (Steele, 1993). Once a projectile is released, the horizontal of the object remains constant for the duration of its flight. When the shot is being taken from a distance further away from the ring, more accuracy is required, and the speed on release needs to be decreased as this ensures the angle and height on release is more accurate (Steele, 1993). However the projectile motion of the netball shot is an important accept when shooting. It is the motion of an object projected at a certain angle into the air (Blazevich, 2007). The angle of projection is a significant accept that affects the projectile range. Objects projected vertically will land back at its initial starting point, from the effects of gravity pushing it back down. The angle of projection affects the range of the particular object. If the angle of the object is greater the vertical height is increased but the range it travels is lessened.
Magnus effect and backspin
Netball goal shooters can improve their accuracy when executing their shot by adding backspin to the ball. Backspin is produced by the flick of the wrist and fingers. Backspin enhances shooting accuracy by maintaining flight direction, bounce pattern and decreasing ball speed when contacting the ring. It provides a higher chance of the ball rebounding off the ring to score a goal. Elite netball players recorded completing an average backspin of 1 to 1.5 revolutions from the release to entry of the goal (Steele, 1983).
When backspin is applied to a shot, techniques are used to cause the projectile to spin which is known as the Magnus Effect. Blazevich (2010) explains the Magnus effect changes the trajectory of an object towards the direction of spin, resulting in a Magnus force.  The impact between oncoming air and the spinning object causes air on top of the object to decrease velocity. Underneath the spinning object, the air moves freely and therefore has an increased velocity (Blazevich, 2010). This concept is shown in fig.5
                                                                         Fig. 5 Magnus effect (Knusdon, 2007)
In relation to the netball goal shot the Magnus effect generates backspin on the ball, creating a higher chance of the ball bouncing on the ring and through for a goal due to its spinning direction. The netball direction beings straight but the spin develops a sideway force that takes the ball off-line. Due to the friction between the air and the netball, the spinning netball grasps air particles that flows past it and these start to spin with the ball (Blazevich, 2010). A netball goal shooter should apply a small amount of backspin, 1 to 1.5 spins ideally, to increase the entry angle and force of the ball to rebound in the net and not back into play (Steele, 1983).
Momentum is an important principle in the follow through phase of a netball goal shot. The momentum in a netball goal shot is for the player to fully extend limbs and follow through with movement after the ball has been released. The prior movements in the shot sequence allow energy to build up through the legs, arms and fingers to maximise force and accuracy (Watson, 2013). When the shooter releases the netball their arms and legs are fully extended while pushing through the ball to release at a predetermined force and height. Once this stage is complete shooters are ready to step towards the goal for a follow through. The law of conservation of momentum is applied in this stage as energy remains constant and can neither be created nor destroyed. The shooter uses momentum gained from the goal shot to continue forward and stepping towards the goal for a rebound.
How does this biomechanical information translate into movement?
Preparation phase
                                                        Fig 6. Preparation phase of the netball goal shot (BBC, n.d)
In the preparation phase of the netball goal shot the player must first receive the ball and land on two feet. To improve accuracy of the netball shot players should attempt to position themselves 0.9m to 1.5m from the goal post (Elliot and Smith, 1983). The foot corresponding to the shooting side of the body must be slightly forward or aligned with the other foot. This foot placement helps accuracy by limiting trunk rotation and provides a stable base of support. A players hips need to be level and the whole body must be parallel facing the ring. Feet should be placed shoulder width apart or less to increase core stability and ensure the centre of mass is above the base of support to provide optimum stability (Watson, 2013). This prevents players breaking the stepping rule in netball and creating a turnover. The knees should also be slightly bent. When bending the knees a player’s centre of gravity is lowered further assisting the base of support. The trunk should be in an upright position, slightly learning backwards with their head upright in the centre of the body to help balance the shooting sequence. The ball should be held steady in the players preferred hand with fingers slightly spread to ensure there is no gap between the ball and fingers. The players second hand should also be placed on the ball to develop balance, support and control for the shot. The ball should not be in the players sight as it is held above their head, slightly backwards with elbows somewhat bent. A very important concept for players to remember during this phase is to minimise head and trunk movement as this will ensure stability and balance throughout the entire movement. 
Execution phase
                                                             Fig. 7. Execution phase of the netball goal (BBC, n.d)
This is the stage where the power for the goal shot is produced. The power for the goal shot is produced from the knees. The player must maintain a stable base ensuring their able to keep their whole body balanced, while focusing on the goal ring. In many sports it is important to keep the head and eyes still during the execution of the movement (Blazevich, 2010). Elbows will be flexed so that the ball is positioned behind their head. As the elbow bends, the ball is levered backwards while the elbows remain above head height. The next movement is using their ankles and knees to push through the ground and the push arms into a straight position. Ball is released at the height of the arm extension which should occur once legs and arms are straightened sequentially. Optimal shot for goal would be released at an angle of approximately 60degrees, with a backward spin of 1 to 1.5 revolutions in relation to its direction of travel. Implications: Aspects of the goal shot that improve the technique and accuracy are ensuring the extension of the shooting hand isn’t over extended, hypertension of the hand needs to be avoided as it affects the wrist, and minimal movement of the trunk and forearm is beneficial towards the shooting motion. To improve the accuracy of the netball shot the player should use backspin to assist the flight direction. This also reduces the speed of the ball when it hits the goal ring which will give it more opportunity to fall into the net. Having a flexible wrist is important as it will mean creating backspin on the found that the most preferable distance was between 0.9m and 1.5m from the post. The release height of the ball can be increased by extending the knees further and the extension at the elbows of the shooting arm is full. The closer they are, the more accurate they are likely to be. A study by Elliot and Smith (1983).
Follow Through Phase
                                                    Fig. 8. Follow through phase of the netball goal shot (BBC, n.d)
The final phase is the Follow Through phase. The last 2 steps need to be successfully completed for this final stage of following through to happen. After the release of the ball, it’s important for player to remain upright and balanced and then following the ball in to prepare for the possibility of a rebound and positioning themselves where they would most likely get the rebound.
This video gives an overview of the steps discussed when executing a netball goal shot.
 How else can we use this information?
The above information allows us to thoroughly understand the optimal biomechanical principles of a netball goal shot. This information can be used among coaches, teachers and players to improve technique and accuracy when performing the netball goal shot and promote optimal performance. Understanding biomechanical principles of an action can help individuals improve their overall performance and become versatile players in a game. These biomechanical principles will help to produce highly skilled players and also act as a safety precaution to prevent players executing the skill incorrect and injuring themselves. The biomechanical principles of the netball goal shot can also be used for other shots in netball. Knowledge of the kinetic chain can help players decide which pass to use. For example, if a player is struggling with force for the shot they can adopt a push-like pattern in order to produce enough acceleration to power the pass. However for stronger players a throw-like movement may be used. Understanding which movement pattern to use can be particularly helpful when teaching children and adults.
The biomechanical principles of a netball goal shot are also evident in sports where accuracy is vital to the game. Many of the biomechanical principles in the netball goal shot can be transferred into a game of basketball when shooting. These include balance, force, kinetic chain, summation of forces, Magnus effect, backspin, momentum and projectile motion. In relation to cricket, the biomechanical principle of trajectory motion can be used. Netball goal shooters must be aware of their trajectory motion as do bowlers in sports. In both cricket and baseball a bowler’s main aim is to bowl/throw the ball at a correct projectile motion and force to ensure that the opposition player experiences difficulty upon returning the ball.  This trajectory motion can also be used when executing a throw in cricket. However the difference between a netball shot and cricket throw is the distance of the shots. From analysing force we can determine that if an object is projected vertically it will land back at its starting point due to gravity.  This helps crickets understand the trajectory requirements of the throw and find a projectile angle that will ensure the throw is accurate. For a long throw players should find a projectile angle that has equal magnitude of vertical and horizontal velocity which will therefore increases the range of the throw.

Reference List

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Hede, C., Russell, K., & Weatherby, R. ( 2011) Applying biomechanics to sport(3rd ed). New York:
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Knusdon, D. ( 2007). Fundamentals of biomechanics: Department of Kinesiology. California Springer
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